Monday, December 22, 2014

One of My Happiest Days!!

12/22/2014  Today is one of the happiest days of my life!!  Three years ago I was at a bad place in my life, and I was hurting so bad I started drinking heavily.  One night, at three in the morning, I left the bar in my new car, a Lincoln MKX.  I was so proud of that car, and in the back I was carrying the first painting I ever sold.  Well, to make a long story short, I was stopped and tested for alcohol, in which I tested positive.  Thus began a 3 year journey to see how God would lead me through my discouragement, out of AZ, and back to Montana.  Three people prophesied that I would not go to jail in this matter, and it happened exactly that way.  I knew, however, that it had to be God who would do it, and that I could not do it on my own.  I could only wait, and trust God, that what he told me would come to pass.  Waiting is the hardest part of any promise, but it can also be the greatest part: the expectation, the eagerness, the anticipation.  Today was the fulfillment of that promise God made to me when I was in that dark place.  Today, I walk to the courthouse to speak with Judge Perry Miller, thinking he would help me in some way to resolve this issue, so that I might have a chance to drive again in this lifetime.  When he called down to Phoenix for me, they told him that the issue was resolved, that there was no longer a warrant for my arrest, and that I could now move forward towards getting my driver's license.  In fact, they said it was done "Today", the very day I went to the courthouse.  As I sat down with the judge, the Spirit whispered into my ear, "You are not going to Jail."  I just am soooooo amazed!!!!  How many conversations have we had about this, LORD?  LORD, You are merciful and kind.  You lift up those who are bowed low.  You encourage the disheartened.  You keep your promises.  You are the breaker of the chains.  You set the captives free!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

"Road to Victory" by Corey Couturier

                                                            "Road to Victory"
As I was walking to the store one night, I began talking with God, and He put this image into my heart.  I'm so proud that God chose me to do this wonderful piece of art to share with the world!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Faith Zone

Good Morning Friends!! God has called us to live by faith, and not by sight. We may see that everything is going wrong around us, and we may become fearful. However, faith allows us to live in a different realm, the realm of possibilities, the realm of victory. I remember when I was preparing for an art show in Gendale, AZ. I had told people that there would be food, wine, live music, etc. I had no money to do it. I was complaining to God that I had no money. He told me that I should never let my lack of money become an excuse. Moving forward when the money wasn't there, trusting God to come through for me. That's what living in the faith zone is. Live in the Faith Zone, not the Sight Zone. Sure enough, God supernaturally provided all the money I needed just in time!!! Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Believe God for Good Things in your Life!!

Good Morning Everyone!!! Today is such a good day!!! I used to hold this theory that if I didn't expect much, then I wouldn't be disappointed when things didn't work out, and if something good did actually happen, I would be pleasantly surprised. I wonder how many others out there thought like that also, or think that way right now. After years of not having much good happen, I decided to change my thoughts. Now, I anticipate the good. I look for opportunity. I take chances. I believe God for good things in my life, because He's a good Father, and I know He cares for me. Even in the bad things, I look for the silver lining. One area I still fall short, however, is in the area of Spiritual Warfare and Prayer. We have to understand, that there are forces out there who want to destroy our joy, our health, our prosperity, and our faith in God. We have to contend for those things; those promises God has given us in scripture. We must stand upon those promises. Let's have a great day friends!!! Let your light shine today, in Jesus' Name!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Let's Have a Great Day!!

Good Morning Everyone!!! Today is a good day!!! Thank you for the gift of this day, LORD!!! This is NOT just another day. This is a day You have made, with tons of potential for good. You have opened the doors for us, LORD, to seize this day, and use it for good. We choose LIFE Lord! We speak LIFE! We are excited about the possibilities. And while we used to expect the worst, today we expect the best!!! We believe in your goodness!!! We've witnessed your love first hand!! Thank You for Jesus!!!!!!!!!! Good Morning Holy Spirit!!!!!!! Let's walk in Victory. Let's walk as Royalty. Let's walk in Power, Forgiveness, and Grace!!!! Let's have a GREAT DAY in Jesus' name!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Good Morning everyone!!!! Today is such a great day!!! Rejoice and be glad! Instead of thinking of all the reasons to be sad, begin training your mind to think of all the reasons to be glad. Say them out loud, even if you don't feel like it. Tell God of all the things you are thankful for. Do this daily, starting today. I don't care how low you feel, just speak it out, thanking God. 
Thank You for this Day, LORD
Thanks for the good sleep last night
Thanks for the roof over my head
Thanks that I have clothes to wear
Thanks for loving me
Thanks for saving me
Thanks for Jesus.
Thank You that you have a plan for me!
Thanks for my talents and abilities.
Thanks for my facebook friends
Thanks for my family, my Mom and Dad

etc. etc. etc. Keep this prayer of Thanks going for me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Growing Pains and Momentum--When a tiny seed germinates into a seedling, though it is small, it has great dreams of growing large, being successful, and bearing fruit one day. But because it's so small, it's growth is slow at first. It has a very limited root system, it's leaves are small and cannot provide much food for the plant. But as the plant digs it's roots deeper, it begins to produce larger leaves, which in turn is able to produce for food for the plant. As this process goes forward, the plants growth is not steady, but exponential. It grows faster and faster as it grows. What took a week to accomplish before is now accomplished in a day! So, don't be discouraged that your growth seems slow now. As you continue to walk in faith, God will increase your growth quickly. What seemed like a long way away is now actually just around the corner!! Your growth will be accelerated and exponential!! Yay God!!!

It Just Looks Like You're Failing

Good Morning Everyone!! Today is a great day to rejoice in the LORD!! He has great plans for us!! Sometimes we can feel like we're failing, but in reality, we are not!!! God may be using us in powerful ways. There were times that even Paul felt like he failing. God's ways and His methods are higher than ours. The fact that you aren't giving up is a constant testimony of God's presence in your life, and a reminder to Satan that He is defeated for all time. His attacks on you have no power, no teeth. Grace empowers you, covers you, and, unlike Adam who ran away from God because of his sin, causes you to run to God in times of failing and weakness, because you are no longer under the curse of the law, but under grace(divine favor).
This is a mystery revealed to us through Christ's sacrifice!!! What a wonderful Beautiful thing to behold, God's Love for us!!!! Never ending for all time. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for revealing these things to us!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

In Search of the Little Things

Good Morning everyone!!!!  We always get wowed by God in the big things, such as the giant coastal redwoods in California.  You can't miss their amazing beauty and grandeur.  But often, we miss the beauty in our own backyards, because these little treasures have to be searched for.  God's handiwork can be seen in a tiny, delicate flower, just as easily as in the Grand Canyon.  All the tiny, intricate details, the subtle colors, the aroma, unique to only that species.  But if you don't take the time to look, you will miss it.  Take time today, and enjoy the little things.  They will delight you.
God's word is the same way...  What treasures can be found in the Word, if we take the time to search for them?  What will God show us about himself?  Like a gourmet meal, it takes a sensitive palette to distinguish the flavors.  LORD, help us to be sensitive to the Spirit as you show us your wonders today.  Open our eyes to see your beauty and glory.   Blessings my friends and have a super day!!

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Today is a windy day, so I took my baby tomato plants outside.  One might say I'm a cruel person to expose my babies to such conditions.  The truth is, however, that I've noticed when you expose young tomato plants to the wind, the stems become stronger.  Resistance builds strength.  We are the same way.  When we encounter resistance, we become stronger.  That's God's way.  To build muscles, we must encounter resistance.  So, the next time you encounter resistance, thank God that He is just making you stronger, better, resilient, and powerful.  God made you to overcome!!  Blessings!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Good Morning my friends!!! Imagine what it does to a husband when his wife walks around sad and downcast all the time. It's a poor reflection on him. It's the same for a Christian who walks around sad and downcast all the time. It's a poor reflection on God. Our demeanor as Christians is one of our greatest witnesses. Christians who are happy, rejoicing people, speak of a loving Father who satisfies our deepest needs, provides us with everything we need to live a joyful life, brings happiness and joy and peace.
Joyful Christians have a countenance that glows. It cannot be faked, because it will come across as phony. Whether we're happy or sad, joyful or downcast all depends on our focus. Do you focus on the negative, or the positive? It's all up to you. If you bought a brand new car for each of your two children, which child will you rejoice in: the child who is happy and thankful, or the child is upset and unthankful that he didn't get the car he wanted? The redemption and forgiveness that came through the cross is a far greater gift than any car. Rejoice in your salvation each day you're alive, because in it you have life!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Science or Creation?

Who created science?  It's very important to note that God created science, and all the laws of the universe.  God, however, exists outside those laws, and is above those laws.  Scientists will be the first to agree, that they cannot explain where everything came from, because science itself says that something cannot come from nothing.  Science can only explain how things relate to each other, but can never, ever, ever, explain how it is possible for something to come from nothing.  The bible does, however, give an explanation of God, who exists eternally and is not bound by any rules.  He is the creator, and most people in the world believe in a Creator.  Science cannot even explain itself, or where it came from.  Science only proves the existence of Grand Design, created by God.  I side with Ken Ham.  If the bible says it, who am I to question it's truth?  I was not there when the earth was created, nor was anyone else.  I'm sick of our kids being lied to in the public schools.  They are teaching opinions as if they are facts.  The fossil records are just not strong enough to prove that everything evolved from one single organism that accidentally came to life.  What a silly argument!!!  The Bible is the best explanation of the origin.  But, people that don't believe in God or the Bible, are forced to come up with a different explanation, because if they accepted the Bible, they would be forced to believe in God.  So, the athiests have come up with a different explanation of the origin to support their belief that there is no God.  They have pushed their agenda and have a stranglehold on the education system and are teaching our kids that there is no God.  Parents, you need to do something about it!!  You don't have to accept this or embrace it.  Christian parents need to challenge what's being taught out there.  Don't back down!!  It's time to take back the School system for God.