Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Let's Have a Great Day!!

Good Morning Everyone!!! Today is a good day!!! Thank you for the gift of this day, LORD!!! This is NOT just another day. This is a day You have made, with tons of potential for good. You have opened the doors for us, LORD, to seize this day, and use it for good. We choose LIFE Lord! We speak LIFE! We are excited about the possibilities. And while we used to expect the worst, today we expect the best!!! We believe in your goodness!!! We've witnessed your love first hand!! Thank You for Jesus!!!!!!!!!! Good Morning Holy Spirit!!!!!!! Let's walk in Victory. Let's walk as Royalty. Let's walk in Power, Forgiveness, and Grace!!!! Let's have a GREAT DAY in Jesus' name!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Good Morning everyone!!!! Today is such a great day!!! Rejoice and be glad! Instead of thinking of all the reasons to be sad, begin training your mind to think of all the reasons to be glad. Say them out loud, even if you don't feel like it. Tell God of all the things you are thankful for. Do this daily, starting today. I don't care how low you feel, just speak it out, thanking God. 
Thank You for this Day, LORD
Thanks for the good sleep last night
Thanks for the roof over my head
Thanks that I have clothes to wear
Thanks for loving me
Thanks for saving me
Thanks for Jesus.
Thank You that you have a plan for me!
Thanks for my talents and abilities.
Thanks for my facebook friends
Thanks for my family, my Mom and Dad

etc. etc. etc. Keep this prayer of Thanks going for me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Growing Pains and Momentum--When a tiny seed germinates into a seedling, though it is small, it has great dreams of growing large, being successful, and bearing fruit one day. But because it's so small, it's growth is slow at first. It has a very limited root system, it's leaves are small and cannot provide much food for the plant. But as the plant digs it's roots deeper, it begins to produce larger leaves, which in turn is able to produce for food for the plant. As this process goes forward, the plants growth is not steady, but exponential. It grows faster and faster as it grows. What took a week to accomplish before is now accomplished in a day! So, don't be discouraged that your growth seems slow now. As you continue to walk in faith, God will increase your growth quickly. What seemed like a long way away is now actually just around the corner!! Your growth will be accelerated and exponential!! Yay God!!!

It Just Looks Like You're Failing

Good Morning Everyone!! Today is a great day to rejoice in the LORD!! He has great plans for us!! Sometimes we can feel like we're failing, but in reality, we are not!!! God may be using us in powerful ways. There were times that even Paul felt like he failing. God's ways and His methods are higher than ours. The fact that you aren't giving up is a constant testimony of God's presence in your life, and a reminder to Satan that He is defeated for all time. His attacks on you have no power, no teeth. Grace empowers you, covers you, and, unlike Adam who ran away from God because of his sin, causes you to run to God in times of failing and weakness, because you are no longer under the curse of the law, but under grace(divine favor).
This is a mystery revealed to us through Christ's sacrifice!!! What a wonderful Beautiful thing to behold, God's Love for us!!!! Never ending for all time. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for revealing these things to us!!!