Sunday, June 28, 2015

Seek and Save that which was lost

Good Morning Friends!! When Jesus came to this earth, he had an agenda. He stated that he came to "Seek and Save that which was lost" This is still his agenda today. Think about it: SEEK and SAVE that which was Lost. SEEK and SAVE that which was Lost. SEEK and SAVE that which was Lost. Sometimes it gets so easy to be sidetracked. Roman Society was filled with every kind of sin imaginable at the time of Jesus: every kind of sexual sin, greed, eating disorders, slavery, oppression of the poor. Not once did I see him preach against the government. Instead, Jesus focused on the individual. "I've come to SEEK and SAVE that which was lost." This is the agenda of all true Christians. We have the agenda of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We SEEK and SAVE that which was lost. SEEK and SAVE. SEEK and SAVE. SEEK and SAVE. People need to be rescued!!! Blessings for a great day friends!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Something to think about

A worthy goal for all Christians is to live our lives in purity as a sacrifice to God. When we deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, it is pleasing to our Father. It has nothing to do with gay or straight. We all have our weaknesses. We all have a body of flesh. The flesh craves every kind of thing that will destroy us, every kind of sin imaginable. However, when we present our bodies to God and strive for purity, it is our spiritual act of worship. Yes, we will fail, but it should never be a reason to give up. Whether we are tempted to steal, or lie, or be dishonest, or to indulge in sexual impurity, or to indulge in alcohol, or food. All these cravings are designed by the enemy to destroy us. Jealousy, anger, and all these things are things we must set out to conquer. If we let them conquer us, we will die, because they are designed to kill us. Brothers and Sisters, let us not give up the good fight, and let us not let the enemy have rule over us. Each of us is in a battle over our flesh. And if we should stumble along the way, God's grace is with us, that we, in Jesus' Name, can get back up and continue the fight. And fight we will!!! And also let us not stop praying for one another. Being tempted with sin is not sin. It only becomes sin when we give in to the temptation. Something to think about.