When I was a young boy, our family moved from town out to my dad's farm, and I had to start riding the bus to school each morning, along my two younger sisters. I was smaller than most of the other kids, and so I immediately became a target for the older bullies to pick on. Needless to say, the bus ride every morning was like a ride from Hell. I did my best to hold my own, but I was simply outnumbered. And so the bus driver came up with this great solution: she decided to make me sit up in front right behind her.
Wait a minute! Why was I being punished? I was the victim. My tormentors were the ones who should have been punished. Not me. That was a concept my little 4th grade mind could not figure out. But now that I'm older, as I look back, perhaps I wasn't being punished at all. Maybe, just maybe, the bus driver made me sit up front so she could protect me. As long as I was up front, I was never attacked.
What I thought was punishment was actually my protection.
Sometimes in life, we wonder why God is punishing us. We begin to think He is unfair or unjust. We see others being blessed, and nothing ever seems to work out in our favor. But our minds are not able to comprehend God's methods. God is like the bus driver. His job is to protect us, and to get us from point A to point B. Our job is to trust Him. And so if you're going through a tough time right now, know that what feels like discipline could really be protection.
God, help me to trust you. Help me to have faith that you have good things in store for me, and forgive me when I falter. All your promises are true, and I know you will not fail me. Thank you for Jesus, and his sacrifice, and thank you for your Holy Spirit, who lives in me.
Have a great day.
Corey J. Couturier
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