Friday, August 27, 2010

Depression: A Pattern of Wrong Thinking

Romans 12:2 NIV
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind.

I remember the day I accepted Jesus as my LORD and Savior. It was July 20, 1981. I had just been baptized and it was an incredible experience for me. Hard to think that just a short time earlier I was messed up on drugs and so depressed I was thinking of suicide. The hope that Jesus brought into my life, literally changed me. I was born again. Now I had the Holy Spirit to comfort me, to guide me, and to help me. I had no money, but I didn't really care. I had Jesus. And so I was just giving many of my possessions away, not because anyone told me to. I just wanted to. And I was telling everyone I met about my salvation, how Jesus had changed my life.

However, after a short time, the initial excitement wore off. I still had serious sin issues. And my situation in life hadn't really changed. All of a sudden, these negative thoughts began creeping back into my mind. After all, I had spent most of my life going down this certain path of thinking. It was normal. I had experienced Christianity on the mountaintop, but what would
my relationship with the LORD be like in the valley?

Negative Patterns of Thinking are not broken easily. It's not really any different than overcoming anything else in our lives, whether it be drug addiction, smoking, etc., except for one thing. Our thoughts govern everything else in our lives. Thoughts become reality. But can we really control our thoughts? I mean, we literally have millions of thoughts every day.
Our minds are the principle place the enemy attacks us every day. Our minds are the front lines in the battle for our hearts. When Satan attacks us with a negative thought, we must destroy it before it can makes its way to our hearts.

The war against depression is fought and won in our hearts and minds.

Daily Homework: When you get up in the morning, write down 5 things you are thankful for. Add 5 new things each day. Spend some time thanking God for those 5 things each morning. Keep these in a journal.

More Tomorrow

Corey J. Couturier

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