Though you have not seen him, you love him ; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1Peter 1:8-9 NIV
Many of our beliefs come from our attempts to make sense out the happenings in our lives. Unfortunately, many times the way we perceive things comes from what we believe. Therefore, everything we believe seems to confirm itself.What do I mean by this mumbo jumbo?
If I believe that God is bad, then anytime anything bad happens in the world, or in my life, it confirms my belief that God is bad, unfair, unjust, etc. This, in turn, affects my attitude, my actions. Then, my attitudes, actions, and emotions affect and confirm my beliefs; A vicious circle that spirals downward into the eventual destruction of my life. So, then, how do I change my beliefs about God? I mean, when it seems that all the evidence is pointing to the contrary, how is it possible to believe that God loves me and that He's for me? How was Job able to continue after losing all his children, after losing all his wealth, after losing his health? Job had experienced God's goodness most of his life. And so he learned to trust God. We also learned in that story, that Satan, himself, was at the center of all the suffering in Job's life. Satan was trying to destroy Job's faith; God allowed it to test Job's faith.
If we will continue to believe in God's goodness when we go through a time of extreme struggle, there is always a reward waiting on the other side. If we will continue to believe in the message of the cross, heaven awaits us on the other side. Faith is something we must contend for, we must fight for. There have been times when the warfare was so intense, I felt like I was going to have a stroke. Faith is worth protecting. Faith is worth guarding with your life. Don't allow anyone to steal your faith.
Have a Blessed Day. More tomorrow.
Corey J. Couturier
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