Friday, September 10, 2010

Society does not determine your value-- God does

The Joy of Life

Earlier today, while driving down Grand Ave., I noticed an old caboose parked on the tracks adjacent the road. I love old cabooses, and was sad when the railroads decided they were no longer useful. A train just doesn't seem complete without a caboose. Now the cabooses are out of commission. This particular one was covered with graffiti. Somebody decided that cabooses were no longer useful.

Many people today feel they are no longer useful, because somebody decided, or maybe society as a whole decided they were no longer useful. Many people feel like castaways just parked along the tracks somewhere. However, I would like to say to you that no matter how old you are, or how valueless you feel, or others have made you feel, you have great value in God's eyes. Society doesn't have the ability to determine value, because they cannot see the inside of a person. Society can only look at the outward, and judge the surface of things, but God can see the heart. God looks deeper, and He has a future for you.

You must understand: Even Jesus was rejected by men, but chosen by God. Quoting Jesus' words:

Haven't you read this scripture:

"The stone the builders rejected has become the the capstone;

the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes' ?"

This statement is mentioned in 5 different books in the New Testament. If men rejected Jesus, then you will be rejected also. So don't worry if the world rejects you, or overlooks you. God sees you, and He has determined you have great value; so valuable, in fact, that He sent his Son to make a way for you to be saved. In other words, God loves cabooses, and God loves you.

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